Water infusing herbs


clockwise from left top: sorrel, mint, lemon verbena, lemon balm and burnet in the middle

A quick introduction

Sometimes we like to make bunches of fragrant leaves and herbs that are perfect to infuse in cold water. Usually these bunches consist of mint, lemon verbena, lemon balm, burnet (a herb that tastes like cucumber) and sorrel. Simply add this bunch to a carafe of tap water (additionally, you could add a slice of cucumber or lemon) and place it in the fridge, wait a few hours and voilá, your thirst quenching drink is ready. We like to make this at the farm in summer on hot days when we're constantly longing for some refreshment. When kept refrigerated, the carafe can be topped up for a few days running.


Don’t try to store the leaves but immediately use them by adding them to some water.


Spring to early fall

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HerbsMilo Buur